Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Update on the Lack of Updates

Hey all! Wondering why your favorite place for book reviews is suddenly not looking so fresh anymore?

Well, I have a confession to make readers. Here's what's been hogging my reading hours as of late:

Distraction #1: Video Games

This would be funnier if it weren't also true

Yes, yes, I've been giving into my inner 10 year old lately; I'm playing Super Paper Mario. It's so frustrating at times I could throw the Wiimote (but I won't), but the humor is so good it keeps me coming back again and again.

Also been playing through FFX again with the Nicholas, which is fun if for nothing else than the cosplay jokes:

Distraction #2: Good Sci-Fi

is realy just Shepperd wif boobz

While Stargate Atlantis will always have a place in my heart, Battlestar Galactica is helping me with the withdrawl. Oh, Blockbuster, how I love thy dollar-per-day deals...

Oh, and before ANYONE SPOILS ANYTHING I'm not done with Season 1.

Distraction #3: Epic Cross-stitchery

My ambition is matched only by my Zelda fandom!

Seriously, I've been working on this over a year now, and it's so close to being done I can't help but work at it while watching TV or watching my fiance play with his newest toy, Need for Speed Underground. Oh, and by the way, those of you who thought WindWaker sucked need to go read the article on Destructoid.

Distraction #4: Nearly Newlywed

Nothing says classy like kegstand

There's also this other little thing. I happen to be getting married in 11 days to a wonderfully geeky and goofy man I love dearly. And after the wedding, moving to a new city with my new husband for a new job.

Needless to say, I'll be occupied with other life things for the next few days. But you know, since I'm going through all these major changes, wouldn't it be a perfect time to put Shelf Life through some alterations as well? Yes, yes indeed.

So consider this your "pardon our dust" warning. Reviews may be sparse the next few weeks (I'll try to get in a few before the big day), but rest assured, Shelf Life is far from finished! Soon 2.0 (aka Shelf Life Electric Boogaloo) will debut with...

Well I can't tell you! Otherwise you might not come back! But oh, many awesome things will come, including a new domain. So check back often, entertain your now empty Internet time with The Gearheart Audio Book and The Domestic Scientist, and we'll see you soon!

P.S. the poll from last week was a tie, but I'm halfway through Till We Have Faces.

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